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I like to have a tasty alcoholic beverage once in a while. I ♥ food. I adore cooking. I love to write. And I love to pair all of them together in some form or another. These are my food ramblings and restaurant reviews for the common hungry drinker. I love finding new places to eat with a drink, or two in hand. Late night eating is inevitable, and food is something quite different when you've got a healthy buzz going on in your system. It's tasty, it's real. Join me while I try my hardest to discover the best late-night eateries in town, and pair the most perfect drinks with them.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Foodventure #1 - Hollywood Bar Hopping & Juicy Burger

Location: Juicy Burger
Address: 6340 Hollywood Blvd.
                Los Angeles, CA 90028-6303
Phone: (323) 465-8429

The other night was a doozie of a night! I gathered up two of my friends and we headed out to Hollywood.  Now when I'm going to Hollywood I know it's going to be a night full of drinks and fun, and this time it did not disappoint.

First we headed to Dillon's Irish Pub (on Hollywood Blvd.) to get a couple of drinks in our system.  You can't go wrong with their $3 beers on tap. Of course I had to have me some good ol' Boddingtons Pub Ale. Smooth, creamy goodness in pint size glasses.  Yes please!  After downing two of those brew babies I was pretty good and buzzed. Those Boddington's sure know how to kick a little girl around. I was also starting to get hungry, like always.

We decided to head over to Bardot (on Vine St.) because apparently Fred Durst was supposed to perform and my friends were uber excited to see him for some reason. I couldn't understand why, and I surely couldn't understand anything anybody was talking about when we were there because my head was spinning slightly with the sexy bitter beer that I had guzzled about 15 minutes before.  Unfortunately *cough cough sarcasm* Fred Durst was nowhere in sight.  All I could see were vision trails of hipsters and pretty flashy lights as a one-man-band performed a repetatively annoying song that I think only the hipsters in the room could decipher the meaning of.  I couldn't understand any of it and my impatient dimeaner was wearing quickly onto my friends.  That's when we decided to leave and head over to Big Wangs on Cahuenga Blvd.  Ahh, the chicken wing eatery for the 20-somethings. 

Hunger was brewing in my belly from the get-go.  We walked to Big Wangs and I figured I would get something to eat there.  But what did my eyes see??  Were they deceiving me?  Ahh, but the place I had imagined my next food review to be: Juicy Burger.  But wait!  Big Wangs is on the horizon.  You can't stop and eat now.  It has to be 2:00 in the morning to eat such heard-about deliciousness.  So I calmed my stomach and we headed to Big Wangs.

My, what a beer I had at Big Wangs. A black and tan in a 34oz. beast of a mug. 34 ounces sounded like a great monster to tackle, and I had to hold it with two hands to drink it. But I finished it with amazing smoothness. I was super-fly! Once they kicked us all out at 2am, Juicy Burger was on like Donkey Kong.

We walked into Juicy Burger and it was all but us and 1 other small group of people.  I couldn't tell which way was up or down, I was too excited. All I knew is that I wanted a burger, fast!  I was handed a form to fill out with a pencil and was wondering how I was going to pass my multiple choice psych test here in this state. Then I focused my eyes and realized it wasn't a test, it had burger choices galore on it. Ohhh, I get it!
No, I didn't take this unfortunately because I was too tipsy to remember to pull the camera out =/

I decided to choose the Beef burger and just about every condiment you could imagine. The burgers started at around $9 and then you could add things for extra.  I added bacon and egg, each for $.50 each.  I don't remember what else I added but I didn't know what I was getting myself into.  It came out to about $12. Holy moly, $12 for a burger?!  Alright here is the rest of my money for the night.

Once I got the burger I could see that this was no ordinary burger.  The bun was fluffy and round.  Like my squishy pillow I would be laying on later that night.  The burger was piled about six inches high with all the crazy add-ons I had chosen.  I took my first bite.  "This jis the brest food I've evrerr eaten."  It really was juicy!  And cooked to medium rare perfection. This mound of satisfaction was like a burgergasm I hadn't had since trying Umami Burger a couple months back.  I couldn't even talk when I ate this burger, it was so good.  I tasted the mustard, ketchup and mayo. The pickles, and tomatoes, oh my! The crunch of the lettuce. I devoured the whole thing within about 4 minutes, along with most of the fries. The french fries were delicious, too. These looked like fresh-cut potatoes, and you got to choose your dipping sauce. I went with the chipotle mayo, which was great. They even have a Tabasco ketchup and a few other unique sauces.
I didn't take this pic either (borrowed photo, forgive my forgetful ass). But my burger looked just like this! Only 6 feet tall.

After I finished my divine 20 gajillion calorie burger and fries I wondered how I had fit so much into my tiny stomach that night. Maybe the drink gods had made room in there for this special night?  I will never know.  All I know is that my first Drink. Eat. Blog. review foodventure ended with a bang of a burger! The only thing that I would complain about is the price. A little expensive for a burger in my opinion, so I demoted it one frosty pilsner glass on my Tipsy Tisch ratings scale.  But my buzzin' tastebuds would have given it 6!

So that will lead to my Question of the Day: Where did you go the last time you had an out-of-this-world burger, and were you drinking or sober? What was your experience like?

*Always drink responsibly. Don't drink and drive.

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