About Me

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I like to have a tasty alcoholic beverage once in a while. I ♥ food. I adore cooking. I love to write. And I love to pair all of them together in some form or another. These are my food ramblings and restaurant reviews for the common hungry drinker. I love finding new places to eat with a drink, or two in hand. Late night eating is inevitable, and food is something quite different when you've got a healthy buzz going on in your system. It's tasty, it's real. Join me while I try my hardest to discover the best late-night eateries in town, and pair the most perfect drinks with them.

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As I explore the internet all the time I'm always trying to find the best blogs and Tweeters for food and drinks.  I also love finding the best reviews for restaurants in my neck of the woods, and great recipes.

Here are a few great sites I've found that explore food and drinks and where to go to consume them:

Serious Eats - A food blog and community.
Eating Asia - Asian culinary cultures and food.
Bitten: New York Times - News on Food, Wine, Restaurants, and Recipes.
The Amateur Gourmet - A Funny Food Blog with Recipes, Restaurant Reviews, and more.

Spirits Review Blog - Reviews and thoughts about various alcoholic products. (I love this one!)
Portland Beer Blog - All about beer stuff and happenings in Portland.

Modern Drunkard Magazine - Hilarious